A Humble Beginning...


Awesome Day to everyone! 

We're Finally into the finishing touches of our new recordings.

Fred and I picked 4 covers to get started with in the roots/blues genre. We'll post each song to the Detroit Blu Facebook band page as We complete them, and post snippet teasers on our FB timelines to direct everyone to the band page and website too. I know... This is shameless promotion. But hey... U know me, Mr. Shameless! ;) 

Working with blues harpist Fred Crandal on this project has been an absolute pleasure. And I just know that you all will fall in love with his soulful playing. He's not bad on the eyes either ladies. I'm JS. 

I'm excited to finally get this outfit up and rolling! Now I need to get back to that grindstone. These tunes are not mixing themselves! There are So many things to do. I've already mentioned the finishing touches on the recordings. There is also the Finishing touches to be done on the website, and merch store. Updates of our progress to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat etc... completing the blog, and organizing the content for everything! Oh and I almost forgot, uploads to CD Baby, Apple tunes, Spotify, and the like once the tunes are mastered! Man how did we as bands survive before the internet? It's good to be overwhelmed once again! LOL. No doubt I'll be complaining about the work load in a couple weeks Right? And looking to hire some help. Oy! But right now, I'm a pig in mud ripe with grubs! 

Btw, any one interested in becoming part of Team Detroit Blu should inbox me. I'm sure we'll be needing some help soon. It won't pay well monetarily at first , but the payout in gratifying, selfless accomplishment from helping your favorite musicians achieve super star status will be enormous! 


But seriously friends. Any help will be hugely appreciated, so if u end up loving what we release please be sure to post it and share it to all your social media, and while you are at it, ask all your friends (and enemies too!) to post and share our releases as well. 

And on that note, I'll get back to it. Someone has got to make the donuts. 

I'm wishing everyone an awesome, happy and productive day. 


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